Summer internships in one’s own country or part-time summer job may be an excellent way to save some money and work on your skills at home.
However, many students may not realize that upon graduation and landing a full time career, they may not ever have the chance to take off 4, 6, 8 weeks out of their life and go abroad to do something meaningful, challenging, and exciting as a summer internships would be. That’s why we are big proponents of spending your summers abroad in a country like India on a meaningful summer internship or volunteering program. But don’t let us describe it to you…let us show you what Summer 2014 looked like for our interns.
Martina and Chelsea from Canada started their trip to India in May where they worked with women and empowerment programs in during their summer internships in Bangalore.
Volunteers from France like Laura and Sam from England came to India and participated in a cooking class with our favorite aunty.
Sydney from the United States worked with children in occupational and alternative therapy and special education in India for 6 weeks.
Giulia from Italy worked in Non-Profit Development and put on a presentation about the plight of refugees from the Northeast and how they settle into life in India away from their families and home.
A group of interns participated in a fire dance
Can you imagine your Summer internship of 2015 to be like this? Then get in touch with us at!