Be the Change: By Sasha from Adelphi



I began 2013 half way around the world in Bangalore, India; coincidentally the same country from which the sage Mahatmas Ghandi and his inspirational quotation originated. Through the intersession study abroad opportunity, Music and Dance in India, I was privileged to spend two weeks in India. In that time, I absorbed so much more than just information on traditional music and dance styles. More importantly, I learned about Indian culture and the complexity of their society. As my first excursion abroad, I was stunned, amazed, and even baffled at times by some of the stark differences in the living conditions and ways of life that exist outside of the United States. Aside from noticing all of the differences, I was humbled by all the commonalities that tie all humans, regardless of race, culture, religion or social status. After seeing just a tiny portion of the world, my experiences in India have served as a spring board for me to practice doing more good that will positively impact our world. I feel that I have widened my gaze and can see myself as being an active member of a global community. From bearing witness to the hardships, poverty and social injustice that is faced by others living in the world, I feel it is my responsibility to respond to it. 



 Adelphi students kickdancing



A large portion of my trip emphasized being thrown into unfamiliar territory which has raised my awareness towards the need for change. This year, I hope for the world to make progress towards thinking more globally and to realize that we are all connected as a vital part of the human race. We all depend upon each other as inhabitants of the same earth and we must strive to support each other. I wish more people can come to realize that giving back to the global community (or giving back in general) is not a big daunting task and can be done in so many ways. A bit of conscious effort can and will make a difference, whether your impact takes the form of “going green” to protect our environment or donating to charity. In order to “Be the change you wish to see in the world”, I can help to support the global community in many ways, including through my work as an artist. I am eager to find more ways to make my livelihood and life commitments worthwhile in that they are personally fulfilling while also lending a hand to the global community. During our study in India, the students from Adelphi worked in collaboration with local dance artists to hold a benefit concert that raised funds to be donated to Artists Striving to End Poverty. Further more, I have made it a personal goal for myself to keep an ongoing relationship with this organization to continue to give back.Here at Adelphi, I hope to work towards getting permission to have one of our Dance Adelphi performances dedicated to raise awareness and to donate our ticket sales to the organization. In the meantime, there are daily practices that I have adapted in order to create an atmosphere of change based on my principles of spreading positive thought and comradeship to the people I interact with on my life’s journey. Overall, I hold a great deal of hope for the human capacity to give and care for one another, as I can assume Ghandi did when he spoke those influential words of wisdom.





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